monolithic app -- becomes bigger & bigger - generally try to make a new service unless it is really, really related to what's already there since they are independent, they can be put in different data centers json (others use a messaging system: a giant queue, where you can throw all you) to quickly start a service, setup a "template" to "rails new": - documentation, testing, code quality, deployment, monitoring, security and you can reusing that template these are apis: so documentation driven development docs have to "work" - makes the build green documentation is the main thing; there is even a empty scaffolding generator for the the documentation description: reqParams: properties: user_id: description: require: type: example: resParams: resCodes: growing oos, guided by tests mock the services services.yml code quality: small, fast and can embed into your rails app: use jetpack to package it to deploy: jetpack . && cap deploy deployed and now it needs monitoring: airbrake hoptoad collect exception and comment on them monitoring tool: cubism.js cool dashboards use splunk to figure out what's breaking: search for all your logs from one place security: ssl certificates with mutual authentication ssl certificate for each new service on ssl certificate there is a key called organizational unit -> name of service have a acl for each service -- (25:29) including all clients allowed to talk to this resource how to pull out services from the monolithic rails app: inttially take out the code then do a redirect and then chop it off.
17 January 2013
Notes on SOA @ Square
My notes from Service Oriented Architecture at Square talk: