Recently, I had to extract phone numbers from a bunch of Outlook .MSG files (see here and here).
Looking for an open source solution, I came across MsgParser. It almost did what I needed. (I just had to modify a "protected" field and make it "public" -- I needed to access it from a driver program; there might be a easier way to do this -- maybe make the driver program "run" from the same package as MsgParser and it'll have access to the protected field...) But downloading its dependencies was a bit of a pain.
So here is a Ruby script that does all that for you. You specify a directory where the Outlook .MSG files are. It'll extract all the phone numbers from them and print it. Tested under OS X Leopard; needs curl & java to be installed. Run: ruby msg_extractor.rb MSGS_DIR.
# Released under the GNU GPL. # require 'fileutils' DOWNLOADS = %w{ } JCLASS = 'MyMsgParser' JAVA_INPUT = 'My.msg' JAVA = <<END import java.util.*; import com.auxilii.msgparser.*; import com.auxilii.msgparser.attachment.*; public class #{JCLASS} { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ MsgParser msgp = new MsgParser(); Message msg = msgp.parseMsg("#{JAVA_INPUT}"); // UNUSED String fromEmail = msg.getFromEmail(); String fromName = msg.getFromName(); String subject = msg.getSubject(); String body = msg.getBodyText(); String longString = msg.toLongString(); // We modify source of msgparser to make // properties public Iterator it =; while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); Object val =; System.out.println(key + ": " + val); } } } END class MsgExtractor def initialize(msgs_dir) @msgs_dir = msgs_dir @cp = '.:msgparser-1.6/dist/msgparser-1.6.jar:' + 'poi-3.6/poi-3.6-20091214.jar:lib/tnef.jar' download javac end def download DOWNLOADS.each do |u| b = File.basename(u) if !File.exists?(b) puts "downloading #{u}" `curl --silent -O #{u}` unless File.exists?(b) end next if File.exists?("#{b}.zipped") puts "unpacking #{b}" case b when /zip$/; `unzip -o #{b}` when /gz$/; `gzip -dc #{b} | tar -xpvf -` end FileUtils.touch("#{b}.zipped") end end def javac modify_msgparser @cp.split(':').each do |f| abort("#{f} doesn't exist") unless File.exists?(f) end open("#{JCLASS}.java", "w") { |f| f.write(JAVA) } `javac -classpath #{@cp} #{JCLASS}.java` end def modify_msgparser jp = 'msgparser-1.6/src/main/java/com/auxilii/msgparser/' old1 = 'protected Map<String,Object> properties ' + '= new HashMap<String,Object>();' new1 = old1.dup new1['protected'] = 'public' modified = return if modified[new1] modified[old1] = new1 puts "modifying #{jp}..." open(jp, 'w') { |f| f.write(modified) }'msgparser-1.6') do puts "rebuilding msgparser" `../apache-ant-1.8.0/bin/ant jar` 'dist/msgparser.jar', 'dist/msgparser-1.6.jar' end end def run(&extract_by) result = [] Dir[File.join(@msgs_dir, '*.msg')].each do |f| b = File.basename(f)[0..-5] puts "extracting #{b}" FileUtils.cp(f, JAVA_INPUT) out = `java -classpath #{@cp} #{JCLASS}` data = next if data.nil? break if $INTERRUPTED result << [b, data] end result.sort end end $INTERRUPTED = false def main unless ARGV[0] abort("Usage: ruby msgs_extractor.rb msgs_dir") end tmp = ARGV[1] || "msgs_extractor" Dir.mkdir tmp rescue nil msgs_dir = File.expand_path ARGV[0] Dir.chdir tmp extractor = trap("INT") { $INTERRUPTED = true; puts; } result = { |o| o.scan /\d{7,20}/ } # extract phone numbers result.each { |n, ph| puts("%20s: %s" % [n, ph.join(", ")]) } end if $0 == __FILE__ main end