I rewrote
convert.rb in Common Lisp; [basically it allows you to convert files from one format to another -- say, PostScript files to PDF; I need this as I sometimes work on Windows machines but want read a online papers -- this runs as a CGI program on my personal server] you can get the whole thing
here. It works under
CMUCL version 19d.
I had forgotten how much fun it is to write programs in Common Lisp!
First, some HTML macros:
(defmacro html-tag (tag attributes end-tag-p &body body)
,(if end-tag-p
`(format t "<~A~{ ~A=~S~}>" ',tag (list ,@attributes))
`(format t "<~A~{ ~A=~S~}/>" ',tag (list ,@attributes)))
(let ((result (multiple-value-list (progn ,@body))))
(when (and (null (rest result)) (stringp (first result)))
(princ (first result)))
,(when end-tag-p `(format t "</~A>" ',tag))
(defmacro do-tag (tag &optional end-tag-p)
`(defmacro ,tag (attributes &body body)
`(html-tag ,',tag ,attributes ,',end-tag-p ,@body)))
(do-tag html t)
(do-tag head t)
(do-tag title t)
(do-tag h3 t)
(do-tag form t)
(do-tag input)
(do-tag b t)
(do-tag i t)
(do-tag br)
(do-tag a t)
(do-tag hr)
Next, we need to decode URLs:
(defvar *url-decoders*
'(("24" . #\$)
("26" . #\&)
("2B" . #\+)
("2C" . #\,)
("2F" . #\/)
("3A" . #\:)
("3B" . #\;)
("3D" . #\=)
("3F" . #\?)
("40" . #\@)
("20" . #\Space)
("22" . #\")
("3C" . #\<)
("3E" . #\>)
("23" . #\#)
("25" . #\%)
("7B" . #\{)
("7D" . #\})
("7C" . #\|)
("5C" . #\\)
("5E" . #\^)
("7E" . #\~)
("5B" . #\[)
("5D" . #\])
("60" . #\`)
(defun decode-url (url)
(flet ((quit () (return-from decode-url nil)))
(with-output-to-string (out)
(with-input-from-string (in url)
(loop (let ((char (or (read-char in nil nil) (return))))
(if (not (char= char #\%))
(princ char out)
(let ((next (or (read-char in nil nil) (quit))))
(if (char= next #\%)
(princ #\% out)
(let ((next2 (or (read-char in nil nil) (quit))))
(princ (or (cdr (assoc (concatenate 'string
(string next)
(string next2))
:test #'string-equal))
Here is CGI-WELCOME & CGI-MAIN; they use the HTML macros defined above:
(defun cgi-main ()
(flet ((get-params ()
(let* ((qs (cdr (assoc :query_string ext::*environment-list*)))
(ps (and qs (position #\& qs)))
(parts (if ps
(list (subseq qs 0 ps) (subseq qs (1+ ps)))
(list qs)))
(params (mapcan (lambda (x)
(let ((p (position #\= x)))
(and p (list (cons (subseq x 0 p)
(subseq x (1+ p)))))))
(url (cdr (assoc :url params :test #'string-equal)))
(zip-only (cdr (assoc :zip_only params :test #'string-equal))))
(values (and url (plusp (length url)) (decode-url url))
(string-equal zip-only :on))))
(print-cmds (cmd)
;; force-output to show user this info in their browser
;; while the command is still running -- works under Apache
(princ "Running: ") (b () cmd) (br ()) (force-output))
(print-cgi-header ()
(let ((newline (coerce '(#\Return #\Newline) 'string)))
(format t "Content-Type: text/html~A~A" newline newline))))
(let ((original-dir (default-directory))
(*shell-before* #'print-cmds)
(multiple-value-setq (url zip-only) (get-params))
(if (not url)
(letf (((default-directory) (tmpdir)))
(html ()
(head () (title () "convert.lisp"))
(shell "wget -q '~A'" url)
(multiple-value-bind (name error)
(ignore-errors (convert (or (newest)
(error "couldn't download ~S" url))
(cond (error (princ "An error occurred: ")
(br ())
(b () (apply #'format nil
(t (hr ())
(let ((base (subseq name
(1+ (position #\/ name :from-end t)))))
(shell "cp ~A ~A/data/" base (namestring original-dir))
(data-file-link base)))))))))))
(defun cgi-welcome ()
(html ()
(head () (title () "convert.lisp"))
(h3 () "convert.lisp -- convert files to different formats")
(form (:method "get" :action "convert.sh")
(princ "url: ")
(input (:type "textfield" :name "url" :size 100))
(princ " ")
(input (:type "checkbox" :name "zip_only"))
(princ "[zip only] ")
(input (:type "submit" :value "Convert")))
(h3 () "available converters [they are searched in order]:")
(dolist (x *all-converter*)
(multiple-value-bind (name cp exts doc cmds)
(decode-converter x)
(declare (ignore cp cmds))
(b () (string-downcase name))
(princ " -- ")
(i () doc)
(princ " [exts: ")
(format t "~{~A~^, ~}" exts)
(princ "]")
(br ())))
(h3 () "converted files [newest first]:")
(let ((converted-files (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (or (file-write-date x) 0) x))
(ignore-errors (directory "data/")))))
(dolist (x (sort converted-files #'> :key #'car))
(data-file-link (cdr x))
(br ())))
(br ())
(br ())
(a (:href "convert.lisp-txt") "{mysrc}")))
And finally, the SHELL function that executes the different programs needed to convert files:
(defvar *shell-before*)
(defun shell (cmd &rest args)
(let ((cmd (apply #'format nil cmd args)))
(when (boundp '*shell-before*) (funcall *shell-before* cmd))
(ext:run-program "/bin/bash"
(list "-c" cmd))))